What’s included:
✔️ Pre-workshop assessment.
✔️ A 30-minute one-on-one coaching session before the workshop.
✔️ "Change Your Mind…Create New Results" Workbook.
✔️ "Change Your Mind…Create New Results" 30 Days to Genius Journal."
✔️ Custom organizer notebook.
✔️ Twelve-hour "Change Your Mind…Create New Results" Zoom Workshop.
✔️ A 30-minute one-on-one coaching session after the workshop.
✔️ Two 60-minute Zoom follow-up sessions during the 30-day period
immediately following the last day of the workshop.
✔️ Unlimited email and phone access with Tom Lipinski, beginning with the pre-workshop Zoom coaching session and ending at the final follow-up session.
✔️ Post-workshop assessment.
✔️ One-on-one coaching is available.