Frequently Asked Questions
Life Coaching FAQs

What is life coaching?
Life coaching is a collaborative and goal-oriented process that helps individuals clarify their goals, overcome obstacles, and make positive changes in various areas of their lives.

What does a life coach do?
A life coach provides support, guidance, and accountability to help clients set and achieve their personal and professional goals. They help clients explore their values, strengths, and desires.

Why should I invest in myself and seek personal development?
Investing in yourself and seeking personal development is crucial for experiencing enduring and positive change in your personal and professional life. By working with an experienced coach like Tom, you will gain insights into what's holding you back, identify blind spots, and create an actionable plan to achieve your goals. Tom's expertise across multiple industries and his holistic approach to wellness ensure a comprehensive and transformative experience.

How is life coaching different from therapy or counseling?
Life coaching is focused on the present and future, emphasizing personal growth, goal achievement, and self-improvement. Therapy and counseling often address past issues, emotional healing, and mental health concerns.

What types of goals can a life coach help with?
Life coaches can assist with a wide range of goals, including career advancement, relationship improvement, health and wellness, time management, stress reduction, and personal development.

How do you tailor your coaching to individual needs and goals?
Each client is unique, so I begin by understanding their specific goals, challenges, and aspirations. Drawing from Dr. Joe Dispenza's teachings, I design a personalized coaching plan that combines mindset shifts, emotional regulation techniques, and visualization exercises. This tailored approach ensures that clients receive guidance and tools that align with their distinct journeys, accelerating their progress towards success.

Why should I invest in myself and seek personal development?
Investing in yourself and seeking personal development is crucial for experiencing enduring and positive change in your personal and professional life. By working with an experienced coach like Tom, you will gain insights into what's holding you back, identify blind spots, and create an actionable plan to achieve your goals. Tom's expertise across multiple industries and his holistic approach to wellness ensure a comprehensive and transformative experience.

How long does a typical coaching engagement last?
The duration of coaching varies depending on individual needs and goals. It can range from a few months to a year or longer. Some clients benefit from ongoing coaching for personal growth.

How often do coaching sessions take place?
Coaching sessions are typically conducted weekly or biweekly, but the frequency can be adjusted based on the client's preferences and goals.

Is coaching only for people facing challenges or transitions?
No, coaching is for anyone who wants to improve their life, make positive changes, or achieve specific goals. It's not limited to those in crisis.

How do I choose the right life coach for me?
Selecting a life coach involves considering factors like their qualifications, coaching style, experience, and whether you feel comfortable and supported during initial consultations.

I'm feeling stuck and unsure of how to move forward. Can Tom help me identify my blind spots?
Yes, Tom is well-versed in helping clients identify and overcome the obstacles that are holding them back. Whether it's a lack of clarity, fear of the unknown, or self-doubt, Tom will work with you to uncover your blind spots and develop strategies to overcome them. Through his guidance, you will regain confidence, shift your mindset, and unleash your full potential.

Is life coaching confidential?
Yes, coaching sessions are typically confidential, similar to therapy or counseling. Coaches maintain client confidentiality within ethical guidelines.

What if I need help with my overall well-being and fitness goals?
Tom understands the essential link between personal well-being and professional performance. If you need support with your wellness journey, whether it's reducing stress, reclaiming joy, achieving weight loss, increasing endurance, or breaking unhealthy habits, Tom will collaborate with you to create a comprehensive plan. Nutrition and healthy eating will also be a key component of your work together, ensuring long-lasting positive change.

What are the potential benefits of life coaching?
Benefits can include increased self-awareness, improved decision-making skills, enhanced self-confidence, better work-life balance, and the achievement of personal and professional goals.

I'm going through a significant life transition, and I feel overwhelmed. Can Tom provide support?
Absolutely. Tom is here to help individuals navigate challenging life events such as divorce, loss, health issues, retirement, or other significant changes. He brings empathy, understanding, and practical strategies to guide you through the transition. You can rely on Tom's support to find resilience, create a new path forward, and thrive in your new chapter.

What if I need help with my overall well-being and fitness goals?
Tom understands the essential link between personal well-being and professional performance. If you need support with your wellness journey, whether it's reducing stress, reclaiming joy, achieving weight loss, increasing endurance, or breaking unhealthy habits, Tom will collaborate with you to create a comprehensive plan. Nutrition and healthy eating will also be a key component of your work together, ensuring long-lasting positive change.

I'm stuck in a routine and crave something more exciting. Can Tom help me break out of my comfort zone?
Definitely! Tom specializes in supporting clients who yearn for more excitement and adventure in their lives. Whether it's trying a new hobby or embarking on a travel adventure, Tom will work with you to explore your interests, challenge yourself, and break free from limiting routines. By embracing new experiences, you will gain a fresh perspective, find renewed energy, and unlock newfound excitement in all aspects of your life.

I'm stuck in a routine and crave something more exciting. Can Tom help me break out of my comfort zone?
Definitely! Tom specializes in supporting clients who yearn for more excitement and adventure in their lives. Whether it's trying a new hobby or embarking on a travel adventure, Tom will work with you to explore your interests, challenge yourself, and break free from limiting routines. By embracing new experiences, you will gain a fresh perspective, find renewed energy, and unlock newfound excitement in all aspects of your life.

Is life coaching covered by insurance?
In most cases, life coaching is not covered by insurance, as it is considered a personal development service rather than a medical or mental health treatment.

What sets your performance coaching apart from other approaches? 
I consider myself fortunate to have completed a diverse array of training programs, including the Landmark Curriculum for Living, iPEC's Coaching Certification Program, Dr. Joe Dispenza's NeuroChangeSolutions Train the Trainer course, and the HeartMath Coherence Advantage Training Curriculum. This eclectic blend of modalities has given my coaching style a distinctive edge.

My approach extends beyond conventional external strategies and actions; it delves deep into internal transformation. My coaching empowers clients to regulate their thoughts and emotions, enabling them to shift their energy and cultivate a positive, proactive mindset. This inner work serves as the cornerstone of sustainable success, nurturing resilience, sharpening focus, and instilling an unwavering belief in one's own capabilities.

Ready to discover what's possible for you? Schedule a complimentary conversation with Tom by clicking the button below.

Business Coaching FAQs

What is business coaching?
Business coaching is a specialized form of coaching focused on helping individuals, teams, or organizations improve their professional performance, achieve specific business goals, and enhance overall productivity.

What can a business coach help me with?
A business performance coach can assist with a wide range of business-related challenges, including leadership development, goal setting, time management, communication skills, team building, and strategic planning.

I'm already successful in my business and life, but I want to take it to the next level. Can Tom help me with that?
Absolutely! Tom specializes in helping individuals who are already successful but desire to reach new heights. By working closely with you, he will uncover hidden opportunities, fine-tune your strategies, and provide guidance and support as you navigate the challenges of growth. Together, you will create a personalized plan to elevate your success to the next level.

How does business coaching differ from other forms of coaching?
Business performance coaching is tailored to address specific professional and organizational objectives, making it distinct from general life coaching or executive coaching.

What benefits can I expect from business coaching?
The benefits may include increased productivity, improved leadership skills, better decision-making, enhanced teamwork, and the achievement of specific business outcomes.

Is business coaching suitable for individuals or teams?
Business performance coaching can benefit both individuals and teams within an organization. Coaches can work with leaders, employees, or entire departments to improve performance.

How long does a typical business coaching engagement last?
The duration of coaching can vary, but it often involves several sessions over a few months. The length of coaching depends on the specific goals and needs of the client or organization.

What happens during a business coaching session?
Coaching sessions typically involve goal setting, problem-solving, skill development, and action planning. Coaches use various tools and techniques to facilitate growth and change.

How often do coaching sessions occur?
Coaching sessions are usually scheduled on a regular basis, such as weekly or biweekly. The frequency may be adjusted as needed based on progress and goals.

What sets your performance coaching apart from other approaches? 
What sets my coaching apart is the incorporation of Joe Dispenza's principles. I focus not only on external strategies and actions, but also on internal transformation. By teaching my clients how to regulate their thoughts and emotions, they can shift their energy and create a positive, proactive mindset. This inner work is fundamental to sustainable success, fostering resilience, focus, and an unwavering belief in one's capabilities.

What role does neuroscience play in your coaching process? 
Neuroscience is a cornerstone of Dr. Joe Dispenza's teachings, and it's integral to my coaching process. I educate clients about the brain's plasticity and its ability to rewire itself based on new thought patterns and behaviors. By explaining the science behind their experiences, I empower clients to make intentional changes. This knowledge fosters a sense of agency, motivating them to actively participate in their transformational journey.

How do I choose the right business coach for my needs?
Selecting the right coach involves considering factors like their expertise, industry knowledge, coaching style, and compatibility with your goals and values.

Is business coaching confidential?
Yes, coaching sessions are typically confidential. Coaches adhere to ethical guidelines that protect the privacy of their clients.

Can business coaching help me if my business is struggling?
Yes, business performance coaching can be particularly valuable when a business is facing challenges. Coaches can provide guidance and strategies to overcome obstacles and improve performance.

Ready to discover what's possible for you? Schedule a complimentary conversation with Tom by clicking the button below.

Change Your Mind…Create New Results Workshop FAQs

Tell me more about the NeuroChangeSolutions Workshop. How can it benefit me or my team? 
The NeuroChangeSolutions Workshop is a transformative experience. It allows you to envision a compelling future and discover pathways to reducing stress and heightening creativity. Whether you're an individual, a team, or an organization, you'll identify and overcome patterns holding you back, while learning techniques to rewire your mind for success.

How is the workshop structured?
The workshop is delivered using a layered learning approach, which is an educational and instructional strategy that involves breaking down complex topics or skills into a series of structured and interconnected layers or levels. Each layer represents a distinct stage of learning, with each subsequent layer building upon the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous one. The goal of layered learning is to facilitate gradual and systematic mastery of a subject or skill, ensuring that learners develop a strong foundation before progressing to more advanced concepts.

How does the workshop's approach lead to transformation? 
By addressing both individual and collective mindsets, the workshop fosters transformation. You'll apply learned techniques to rejuvenate your future. As individuals transform, teams become more united and ready to step into a revitalized era of success.

What key concepts are taught in the Change Your Mind…Create New Results Workshop?
The workshop is a proprietary program based on the neuroscience of change. Taking an organization’s vision for itself, individuals are empowered to change. This, in turn transforms the individual, their teams and, ultimately, the organization. Our program teaches how to break old habits that no longer serve and bring about true, lasting change — from the inside out.

How does the workshop's approach lead to transformation? 
By addressing both individual and collective mindsets, the workshop fosters transformation. You'll apply learned techniques to rejuvenate your future. As individuals transform, teams become more united and ready to step into a revitalized era of success.

What are the expected outcomes or benefits of taking this workshop?
The workshop delves into the fascinating realm of neuroscience to empower participants with the ability to identify deeply ingrained beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions that have unwittingly confined them to life's perpetual hamster wheel. Comprising five comprehensive sections, two illuminating models, and four indispensable tools, this transformative experience equips participants with a profound level of self-awareness. Armed with this newfound awareness, individuals can embark on a creative journey of lasting and meaningful change in their lives, 

Is there an option for more personalized coaching? 
Absolutely! You can register for 1:1 Coaching sessions. These sessions are tailored to your specific goals and challenges, providing targeted guidance and support.

Who is Dr. Joe Dispenza, and what is his background in this field?
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a renowned author, lecturer, researcher, and international expert in the fields of neuroscience, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology, neurobiology, epigenetics, quantum physics, consciousness, and personal transformation. With a background in biochemistry and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, he has dedicated his career to exploring the intricate relationship between the brain, mind, and body. Dr. Dispenza is best known for his pioneering work in the study of neuroplasticity, and the remarkable power of the human mind to create change. His four influential books, including "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" and "Becoming Supernatural," have garnered global acclaim and have become staples in the realm of personal development. Through his lectures, workshops, and online programs, he empowers individuals to tap into their innate potential, rewrite their life narratives, and transform their health, relationships, and overall well-being. Dr. Dispenza's teachings offer a profound understanding of the limitless capacity of the human spirit to shape its own reality and evolve into a higher state of consciousness.

How does Dr. Joe Dispenza's teachings contribute to Tom’s coaching approach?
Dr. Joe Dispenza's teachings provide a robust framework for understanding the connection between our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. By helping his clients comprehend how their mental patterns influence their reality, Tom empowers them to rewire their thought processes and emotional responses. This forms the basis of my coaching approach, enabling clients to break free from limiting beliefs and behaviors, and ultimately achieve peak performance in various aspects of their lives.

What is the ultimate goal you have for your clients through your coaching with Dispenza's methodologies? 
My ultimate goal is to empower clients to become masters of their own lives. By leveraging Joe Dispenza's teachings, I aim to guide individuals towards a state of self-mastery where they can consistently achieve their goals, manage challenges with grace, and create a life aligned with their highest aspirations. I want my clients to experience lasting transformation that ripples positively through all areas of their personal and professional endeavors.

Is there a specific audience or group of people that this workshop is designed for?
While the workshop is primarily designed for business owners and leaders, it offers valuable insights and benefits that resonate with individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life.

What resources or materials are included with the workshop, such as books, workbooks, or videos?
Participants receive a comprehensive package that includes a workbook, journal, notebook and access to audio copies of the workshop videos.

Are there any interactive components, group discussions, or assignments in the course?
The workshop is interactive, hands-on, and geared for immediate skill development and practical application through active participation.

What happens after the workshop? 
Following the workshop, engage in journaling and mindfulness practices to enhance your newfound insights. You'll also participate in three group coaching sessions, ensuring continued growth and application of your skills.

How is the workshop content delivered? Is it available online?
The workshop is available through both in-person sessions and video conferencing. In-person sessions typically span two days, each lasting seven hours and including lunch and breaks. When conducted via video conferencing, the course is distributed over a flexible time frame, ranging from four to six days.

Are there any payment options or discounts available?
The workshop fee is payable in advance, and regrettably, no payment options are available. However, for larger groups, discounts may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

How can I enroll in the workshop, and what is the registration process?
To enroll in the workshop and initiate the registration process, you can visit the available offering page for online registration. Alternatively, if you wish to explore additional workshop options or have specific inquiries, you can engage in a conversation with Tom Lipinski, who will be able to provide you with more details and guidance.

Is there a refund policy for the workshop?
Certainly, there is a refund policy in place for the workshop. We understand that circumstances can change. Refunds are available if requested up to 48-hours before the workshop commences. After the 48-hour window has passed, please note that all fees paid are considered non-refundable. If you have any specific questions or need assistance with a refund request, feel free to reach out, and we'll be happy to assist you.

Are there any recommended resources for further growth? 
Yes, I encourage you to explore the recommended reading list. These books offer valuable insights and knowledge to complement your growth journey.

How do I get started?
It's simple! Begin by registering for the upcoming NeuroChangeSolutions Workshop. This immersive experience will set you on a path towards transformation and success. Let's embark on this journey together!

Ready to discover what's possible for you? Schedule a complimentary conversation with Tom by clicking the button below.

Energy Leadership Index Assessment and Debrief

What exactly is the Energy Leadership Index?
The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is an exclusive, research-backed tool that transforms an abstract concept, such as a person's worldview, into a tangible metric—one that you can perceive, experience, and revisit in the future. 

Do I have to work with an iPEC Certified coach to take the Energy Leadership Index assessment?
Yes, this assessment was developed by iPEC and is only accessible through an iPEC Certified Coach.

What makes a coach iPEC Certified?
An iPEC Certified Coach has completed a demanding coach training program meticulously designed by Bruce D. Schneider. Achieving this certification is no small feat, demanding extensive hours of classroom study, hands-on training, rigorous testing, and comprehensive process verification. Notably, the iPEC Training Program is underpinned by solid research and has held full accreditation from the International Coaching Federation since 2002.

How long does the assessment take?
About 20 minutes.

What happens during a debrief?
The Energy Leadership Index assessment offers a valuable journey of self-awareness. When debriefed by an iPEC Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, it unveils fresh insights that can be harnessed creatively for personal growth. This transformative process allows individuals to tangibly assess and reevaluate seemingly abstract concepts like energy, mindset, and satisfaction.