Recognizing Automatic Bias: Exploring Default Thinking and Its Origins

Recognizing Automatic Bias: Exploring Default Thinking and Its Origins
In 2005, I did the Landmark Forum, which is to say I participated in a three-day inquiry into what it means to be. One of the key distinctions of the Landmark technology is “Already Always Listening.”
Already Always Listening distinguishes a person's perception of events and people as a function of their listening rather than being sourced—influenced—by the people and events themselves.
Imagine you're a real estate agent, and you've been working in the industry for several years. Over time, you've developed certain perceptions about different types of clients based on past experiences. For instance, you might believe that first-time homebuyers are often indecisive and overly cautious, making the buying process longer and more challenging.
One day, a young couple contacts you about buying their first home. Before meeting them, your "Already Always Listening" kicks in, and you expect them to be hesitant and unsure of what they want. This perception influences how you interact with them from the start. You might unconsciously steer the conversation in a way that assumes their indecisiveness or overwhelm them with too much information, trying to preempt their perceived need for extra guidance.
However, this couple turns out to be well-researched, confident, and clear about their needs and budget. Because of your Already Always Listening—preconceptions—you initially miss out on recognizing and leveraging their readiness and decisiveness, which could have made the process smoother and more efficient for both parties.
By becoming aware of your "Already Always Listening," you can consciously approach each new client without these automatic judgments. This fresh perspective allows you to listen more openly and respond to their needs and behaviors rather than your preconceived notions. Doing so enhances your effectiveness as a real estate agent and improves client satisfaction.
I have another distinction to introduce you to: “Thrownness.” Thrownness refers to the concept that individuals are born into a set of circumstances and conditions they did not choose, such as their family, culture, historical period, and socioeconomic status. These pre-existing conditions shape their experiences, perspectives, and behaviors, influencing how they are in the world. It is where their Already Always Listening begins to develop.
Understanding Thrownness helps individuals recognize the factors beyond their control that have impacted their lives and encourages them to consciously navigate and respond to these influences.
Here’s an example of Thrownness: Imagine two nearly identical situations. A 5-year-old boy and his mom were walking in their backyard when encountering a garden snake. The mother yells, “Snake,” grabs the boy by the arm, and whisks him out of harm’s way and into the house.
In another scenario, a different boy and his mom are exploring their backyard when they encounter a garden snake. The mother, marveling at the snake's beauty, picks it up, shows her son a closer view, and shares some knowledge about snakes. After a few minutes, they put the snake down and continued exploring.
Neither approach to snakes is right nor wrong. However, the boys will grow up with very different views of snakes. These two boys were thrown into their perceptions of life—at least regarding the snake world—and will likely see no other perspective.
By becoming aware of your Already Always Listening and Thrownness, you can let go of the stories you have about people and events. This awareness allows you to be in the realm of what’s so, which is a powerful place to be. From there, you can create new possibilities for your life and see them come to fruition.
I can help you become aware of your Already Always Listening and Thrownness. Let’s talk on my dime and explore the possibilities for your life when you live without preconceived notions. There are many ways to reach me.

#being #thinking #AutomaticBias #neuroscience #change #transformation

Ready for a New You? Begin Your Personal Transformation

Ready for a New You? Begin Your Personal Transformation
I focus on teaching people how to change, not telling them what to change. My approach provides practical models and tools based on the latest neuroscience and biology findings, helping you understand and overcome the challenges of change. This knowledge empowers you to consciously create your desired future and break free from old habits.

Many people believe their thoughts shape their lives but doubt their ability to consciously create their future. With the right tools and understanding, you can overcome these doubts and take control of your future. Change is not only possible, but also within your reach.

In my workshops, you will learn how your environment influences your inner world and how to break free from limiting conditioning. Practical insights into neuroscience and biology will help you understand and manage stress, allowing you to live in a more creative state. Book a 30-minute conversation to see if this workshop suits you and begin your journey to an amazing future.

The Traits You Admire in Others Are Already Within You

The Traits You Admire in Others Are Already Within You
Have you ever realized that the qualities you admire in others are already within you? Often, we perceive others as better and feel inferior. By joining a team of transformational instructors, I sought happiness, curiosity, Love, and gratitude—traits I saw in them but soon discovered were within me. Recognizing this has transformed my life. Embrace self-awareness and unlock your potential. Share your thoughts and join the conversation on human potential and evolution.
#transformation #neuroscience #happiness #Love #gratitude #being #change

Reclaiming Authenticity: Stop Placing Others and Yourself on Pedestals

Reclaiming Authenticity: Stop Placing Others and Yourself on Pedestals
Experiencing feelings of being 'less than' or viewing others as superior are common reflections of how we perceive ourselves in relation to those around us. These perceptions stem from non-useful thoughts that emerge from our experiences and internalized beliefs, creating a divide where we feel either below or above someone else. Acknowledging these thoughts as inauthentic can help us understand that they do not truly represent our authentic selves.

The concept of placing individuals on pedestals—whether it's elevating others above us or placing ourselves above them—stems from our ego's stealthy operations, an action that misaligns us from who we are at our core. Becoming conscious of this tendency allows us to dismantle these imaginary pedestals, fostering a healthier mindset that acknowledges our equality and connectedness with others. By recognizing and addressing these ego-driven vanities, we can move toward living more authentically, aligned with our true essence and purpose.

A transformative approach involves realizing that such notions of superiority or inferiority only serve to disconnect us from our authentic selves and others. By employing techniques that help dissolve these barriers, such as recognizing the universality of love and connection, one can reclaim authenticity and enhance personal growth. This process not only benefits individual well-being but also strengthens our collective journey towards embracing a more balanced and integrated way of interacting with the world and each other.

Breaking the Illusion: Unlocking Your Greatness by Unraveling Self-Limitation

Breaking the Illusion: Unlocking Your Greatness by Unraveling Self-Limitation
During a 2-day event focused on the essence of being, I experienced a powerful realization about self-worth and the mental barriers we often erect between ourselves and others' achievements. The revelation came after noticing a sense of disconnection from the speakers on stage, stemming from a place of perceived lack and unworthiness. This self-awareness journey highlighted an important lesson in recognizing and dismantling the subconscious beliefs that held me back.

Reflection and inward exploration revealed that these feelings of separation and inadequacy had deep roots, going back further than conscious memory. Through meditation and contemplation, I discovered that the separation was a self-constructed illusion, emphasizing the liberating power of identifying and addressing internalized conditioning. By acknowledging this, I found freedom from the limitations set by my own mind, opening up a pathway to self-acceptance and celebration of both personal and others' achievements.

I share valuable insights and practical steps for anyone experiencing similar feelings of disconnection or unworthiness. By tuning into the heart's intuitive power, seeking guidance, and embracing the energetic connectedness we share with others, one can begin to dissolve these barriers.